Friday, May 11, 2012

Global Scenario of Bacteria, Infections, Antibiotics and Resistance- By Dr. A. J. Tamhankar (Research Associate: Sandeep Nerkar)

Drug-resistant"white plague" lurks among rich and poor: Reuters....But when Watterson's infection refused to yield to the three-pronged antibiotic attack doctors prescribed to fight it, her relief turned to dread. After six weeks of taking pills that had no effect, Watterson was told she had multi-drug resistant TB, ...
MeasureTo Spur New Antibiotics Moving Forward- Hartford Courant.....From 2008 to 2011, only three new antibiotics received approval. Meanwhile, bacterial infections have grown increasingly resistant to available drugs.
Researchers Discovered Ancient Cave Bacteria to Fight Superbugs-Top News United States...Earlier thought to be the common use of antibiotics among people, ... "Our study shows that antibiotic resistance is hard-wired into bacteria, ...
Ancient cave bacteria could kill superbugs-Metro.... Cave bacteria are thought to have picked up their resistance from ... 25000 people in the EU die of bacterial infections that have defeated antibiotics. 
VenusRemedies Vancoplus Gets Patent Grant From Australia..NASDAQ....AsAntimicrobial Resistance is a growing concern globally, getting this patentgrant ... bacteria, such as Golden Staph (Staphylococcus aureus) infections. 
Venus Remedies' Vancoplus gets Australian patent to combat MRSA ......According to the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases, Antibiotic resistance is one ofthe foremost issues that will affect health care worldwide, ...
Urine is not sterile! Nigerian Tribune....... this after findingbacteria in the bladders, urine makers, of some women. ... the presence of multiple antibiotic-resistant indicator bacteria in human ...
Battle of the bugs: Dentistry IQ....The WHO has been concerned about Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) since year 2000, when it released a report on infectious diseases series--Overcoming 

Read The ``TRUE LIFE STORY``of a family infected with MRSA