Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Global Antibiotic Resistance Scenario

First World Pneumonia Day on 2nd November'09 Reveals Global Burden – CDC's public health professionals join with others to help
MORE than one in five intensive care doctors working in hospitals across Europe are now seeing patients with bugs that are “totally or almost totally” resistant to antibiotics, according to a new survey - Irish Times.
Deadly superbugs have increased despite a crackdown on the best-known infections such as MRSA in UK, a parliamentary report will warn this week
UK - 'Clever Cleaning' The Way To Beat Hospital Superbugs,
UK - Fourth Report of the Mandatory Surveillance of Surgical Site Infection in Orthopaedic Surgery: April 2004 to March 2008 - of all SSI:s by staph aureus, 60% are MRSA, and of ALL SSI:s 26% are caused by MRSA
Prevention & Control of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) - US/CDC guidelines
"Non-therapeutic use" of antibiotics at sub-therapeutic levels for growth promotion in animals can create perfect conditions for bacteria to become resistant not only to one antibiotic, but to entire classes of the medicines- chicagotribune - US.
Hospital acquired infection at 30% level in Kenya

Modern medicine 'under threat' from antibiotic overuse
Safe use of hand sanitizers
Genome-Scale Identification Method Applied to Find Cryptic Aminoglycoside Resistance Genes Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Scientists at Queen's University, Medical Biology Center publish new data on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease prevention
Scientists retrace history of Leprosy

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Read The ``TRUE LIFE STORY``of a family infected with MRSA