Monday, July 12, 2010

Global scenario of microbes, infections, antibiotics and resistance - By Dr. A.J. Tamhankar

Living Caulobacter runaway from dying Caulobacter bacteria.-Exposure to the extracellular DNA (eDNA) released by dying neighboring bacteria stops the sticky holdfasts of living Caulobacter from adhering to surfaces, preventing cells from joining bacterial biofilms. Less sticky cells are more likely to escape established colonies, out to where conditions may be better.
Abbott has received clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to market a new, sensitive molecular diagnostic test and instrument to simultaneously detect two sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), gonorrhea and chlamydia, including a new variant strain of chlamydia recently discovered in Sweden.
A commonly used bone marrow stem cell may be able to help treat sepsis, a deadly condition that can occur when an infection spreads throughout the body.
Scientists studying MRSA have identified one of the components responsible for making it so deadly.
Bees could have a key role to play in urgently-needed new treatments to fight virulent MRSA,. A substance known as beeglue or propolis, originating from beehives in the Pacific region, is active against MRSA, which causes potentially fatal infections, particularly in hospital patients.
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and FDA committed to working together to address antimicrobial resistance concerns in USA.
A modest behavioral intervention program averaging just 35 minutes can measurably reduce the incidence of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among female sex workers.
Gen-Probe has announced that it has received a European CE mark for its APTIMA® assay for Trichomonas vaginalis, a common parasitic sexually transmitted disease.
Ecolab Launches First EPA-Approved, Ready-to-Use Hard Surface Disinfectant Effective Against Clostridium Difficile
New antibiotics: from honey bees called defensin-1, which could one day be used to treat burns and skin infections and to develop new drugs that could combat antibiotic-resistant infections.
Washington State University and the Gates Foundation form new School for Global Animal Health. for investigating emerging disease. From Avian influenza, to West Nile virus.
ABR Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya and A Curriculum for Community Action on AMR
CDC has published guidelines to address gram-negative bacteria
Fighting Hospital Infections
Modified CO2 processing may render microbes ineffective and extend shelf life of foods
Eating chicken or steak in USA means consuming pharmaceuticals not required by body

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Read The ``TRUE LIFE STORY``of a family infected with MRSA