Friday, March 23, 2012

Global Scenario of Bacteria, Infections, Antibiotics and Resistance- By Dr. A. J. Tamhankar (Research Associate: Sandeep Nerkar)

Does homeopathy works against bacterial infection when the infection has become antibiotic resistant? – Discover the answer for this question 
AntibioticStewardship in the US Woefully Weak, Experts At Global ...Forbes... responsible for the rise of antibiotic-resistant infections in humans, ... They include Brazil, India, and South Korea, but also more recent ones such ... 
WHO Chief: The End of Modern Medicine Is the risk of infection made it too dangerous for simple, routine surgeries such ... She continued: “Antimicrobial resistance is on the rise in Europe, ... 

Antibiotic resistance, the new threat: Postnoon.... to developing resistance, antibiotics disrupt the normal bacterial flora ... a valid prescription – the commonestsource of antibiotic abuse in India. 
The Bacteriophage Comes of Age: Medscape....What if we had an agent that could kill bacteria without contributing to the development of antimicrobial resistance? What if this agent were also low cost, ... 
Epistem and Xcelris sign sales and marketing deal for TB test: Proactive Investors UK.....Epistem said Genedrive will be targeted at providing the 'gold standard'....for TB identification and antibiotic resistance testing and will be riced 

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Read The ``TRUE LIFE STORY``of a family infected with MRSA